Just Sitting Cat Eyes

Up early with juno and I took her up the hill, around it different routes. I had a tam o shanter moment when I was sure a horse being riden up the lower path by the pond, bizarre.

Off to the football, a good display and the whle squad was available. We had a chat with the girls about waht we expect off them at training and in games. We won by one but the quality of our goals was top drawer.

Back and out with the ladies shopping.

We were out at friends for food, it was fantastic food and great banter. Seemingly I make trains and trig points exciting as I light up and sound so enthusastic.

Came home to a pre organised eco son pal get together. A few beers too many for some of them and a change of plans negotiation, not good so late.

This is one of our hosts' cats.

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