MissTracy Photography

By MissTracy

Horse Tracks in the Sand

Continuing the theme of WWII defenses in the area, I took myself off to Fraisthorpe Beach to picture the stone defenses that were erected along the shore.

They're looking pretty worn out with the waves now, and there used to be elevated look outs that I remember exploring as a child...these have all succumbed to mother nature and have toppled on to the beach.

Last time I visited this part of the beach they were there, so it must have been a lot longer than I thought since I was here!

On a trivial note, this beach also used to be a designated nudist spot and I remember that last time I visited there used to be a huge sign painted on one of these look outs advising of this. I recall than when I last visited I was treated to the sight of a naked old man constantly (and I think intentionally) wandering into our path as we tried to walk the dog!

This shot doesn't show too much of the defences that I'm discussing, but I like it and will post more in my blipfolio.

Bigger Tracks

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