Deja View

By dejaview


I went out today intent on getting a blip of a bird 'in action'! I did try to be patient - something I'm not renowned for! Most of my efforts were hilarious, this was about the best because I was quite impressed with the wing span of this Canada Goose. Some of my other attempts today (not all of birds) can be seen here.
Annoyingly Mr DV went out with my old camera and caught a heron in flight AND an amazing bee on a flower!!! He was so pleased with himself that he has decided to become a blipper too!!!! If he is approved he will appear as Deja Too - very clever!! So it just goes to show that it is not the camera that's important but the photographer!!! I can see a few disputes on the horizon in this household!!

Caged Bird - I hope the link works, I have to admit to having help from B. There's no way I could have done it on my own.

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