Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


Just spent the morning installing some of my photos in the 'Art of Norwich' exhibition which runs from Monday 27th Feb to Saturday 10th March at the St Margaret's Church of Art on St Benedicts Street in Norwich, next door to the Arts Centre.

All my photos are mounted and for sale at less than a tenner each. It's an open access, inexpensive way of getting artwork on display and you don't get charged commission on any sales you make. Each exhibiting artist is asked to volunteer for a couple of invigilating shifts (ie sitting on the reception desk) and I'm going to be there on Saturday 3rd March from 1.30-4 and again on Sunday 4th from 11-2.30.

Art of Norwich is organised by a guy called Ruski Fari, a very talented photographer who has given me lots of encouragement in getting my work 'out there'.

You can see a pic of the exhibition space here which I took last August when I submitted just 2 portraits.

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