Stuff & Things

By itshawis

Afternoon tea #2

The thing I should have done yesterday was bake a cake for today. It was to be chocolate and fabulous, no pressure.

My friend thinks I like to bake because I am a control freak and baking is all about precision. The thing is, I am a control freak but I bake haphazardly. I was running so late today, my second cake wasn't cooked right through and I needed it to cool quickly before filling and icing it, that I had to open the windows and sit it by the window sill to cool down.

It was still a bit warm when I filled it so by the time I got the cake to Edinburgh on the train, with a bit of light jogging to the station, the cream and ganache had squelched out the middle and the lid had slipped. Definitely chocolate, not so fabulous! Actually it tasted bloody brilliant even if I do say so myself.

The purpose of the fabulous cake was afternoon tea hosted by the lovely Mr Fitz who is about to go to India for 3 months. The table was heaving with homemade goodies - bread and dips, chelsea buns, snickers muffins, marmalade chelsea buns, lemon drizzle cake, brownies, fruit cakes, friendship cake, meringues and of course the squished cream chocolate fabulousness. All washed down with fizz.

Here's to you Mr Fitz and your general fabulousness. Slainte.

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