the edges of my life

By raej

something to say

not the best image but best fits what's been happening in China this last week - after a large bear bile farm tried to list on the stock exchange there was a public uproar - yes by the chinese - leading to massive discussions and media debates about the ethics of bile farming (it is still legal in China and over 10,000 bears are being abused) - a symposium in Beijing was held, my group got to present the findings we have made over the years on the effects of bile farming on bears we have rescued - the bear farm allowed an 'open' visit to interested people to their farm (but banned any but chinese journalists and banned all welfare groups) - the journalists that went commented it was all carefully staged and the bears seemed sedated... one Chinese man was filmed yesterday bowing to bears in a farm to say " we are sorry"
it seems like we might finally be on the edge of getting this horrible practice outlawed in china - and most exciting of all change is coming from within China not from 'foreign experts'
so - very exciting Jane Goodall always says there is hope for the future if we just care enough to do something

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