I'm Just Looking

By Quigs

Massey Memorial

Another historic Wellington landmark, just a few km's from my place, on the Miramar Peninsular. A lovely drive or ride to get there (I scootered today) and there were several people enjoying the solitude - one reading, some doing yoga I think. Was rather lovely except for one little sh1t banging a stick all over the memorial. My "steely glare" must have been enough because he ran away to play hide and seek, and I noticed no-one was in a hurry to do the seek part.

William Massey was Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1912 to 1925, when he died in office. After his death parliament passed the Massey Burial-ground Act, which allocated 0.8 hectares of land for use as a burial ground for Massey and his widow, Christina Massey. The land on Point Halswell had been used for defence purposes during World War I and had lain unused since then. A fort on the site was converted into a crypt and a gun-pit lined with marble to serve as a vault. The rest of the memorial was completed in 1930 at a cost of £15,000, most of which was raised by public subscription.

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