As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


What a day.

I woke up this morning and banged out bio and Euro. Then I tutored for an hour and went to lunch with Tom and Brandon. We walked to Matt's backyard and talked with him before I had to go home and make myself beautiful. At four I went to Alyssa's house for her sixteenth birthday bash. We took a limo into the city and had dinner at a fancy restaurant. Then we walked to the theater to see How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. It was an awesome show! Afterwards, we were surprised when we walked outside of the theater and Alyssa led us around the back. It turns out that Paige's aunt is the talent manager for Michael Urie (he had a big part in the play [Bud Frump]) and she worked it out that we could go backstage after the show and meet him and Nick Jonas! Of course today would be the one day I don't bring my camera with me. We got a tour of the stage and I shook Nick's hand. Then we took the limo back home.


Word of the Day: Bandy - To pass from one another or back and forth; give and take

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