Bella Luce.

By Rebbbb

Smile like you mean it.

Smiling & laughter is the best medicine.

Spent my full night last night watching this little terror, watching Disney films non stop. (Robin Hood outrules them all!) Then was working a short 4 hour shift at work today, met up with old friends for lunch, bumped into dozens of football fans on the way home from town (40 minutes on a short tiny road on a crammed bus isn't at all fun btw!) and then went off to see the Woman in black tonight with my amazing older sister. Didn't get to even jump as i was too busy laughing at my sister as she had her hands in her ears, blocking out the sounds and kept screaming.

But yeah the last few days have been fun :)

Tomorrow ? Ah tomorrows just another day.

-Ralm x :))

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