Muppet Mania!

As my husband wanted to go and see that Muppet Fim and I wasn't that fussed he asked Cameron to take him today! Cameron has already seen this with the Beaver Colony but was certainly up for a 2nd viewing.

Cameron's Fav Character - Kermit
Papa's favourite - Animal
My favourite(s) - Statler and Waldorf (well I watched them first time around as a teenager in the 70s. So I know them all!

I met them later at Nero for a coffee and toastie and bought him this Muppet comic to look at. Later we headed home and Cameron earned himself some pocket money by helping me tidy up the back garden.

Him and his papa had a wee astronomy moment after tea in the garden with a telescope looking at the moon and Jupiter. I was asked to come out and see it through the telescope but I think it's more a boy thing as I couldn't get as excited about it as those two were! It's just like it's here Cameron said:-))

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