
By FrankS


We travelled up to Hull today to visit my mother and to take Tom to Hull University where they were having an Applicants Day.

The Uni day was not 'til Saturday so we had booked ourselves into a B&B just off The Avenues. This is an area of Hull off Princes Avenue comprising four avenues of grand Victorian houses (some of which are now split into flats, others still being single dwellings).

Halfway down Park Avenue and Westbourne Avenue are two magnificent fountains, this is the one on Westbourne, the other is identical. I remember these fountains from when I was a child and used to deliver newspapers in the area, I have never seen them with water, and I seem to remember they were more brightly coloured in those dim and distant times.

Princes Avenue has now become a hub for restaurants and cafe/bars, literally humming in the evenings. We had a great Pie & Mash supper at a place called Mustard, no photo, but here's a link. Excellent!

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