Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


Our fun shopping day turned into a bit of a nightmare... Some idiot decided to drive into our car whilst we were shopping today. No note was left, no witnesses and the car park monitors won't let us view CCTV due to data protection and the chances of the camera being on our car at the time it happened is unlikely. Apparently only police are allowed to view the contents and when we contacted the police they didn't want to know as it's only a petty incident... They're all GITS too!!

Luckily we pulled in a few favours and our policeman friend is off to view the footage for us tomorrow.

ION: Colin cleared out all his old stuff from his dad's house... We now have boxes of Star Wars figures, old diaries, school reports and about 10,000 old Arsenal programmes... Oh joy. This junk memorabilia is doing nothing for my OCD!!

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