A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

Creativity overload!

So, all my life I've been a bit of a book worm; devoured books all my life and was a good girl and studied hard at school and uni. During my adult years, the love of reading has stayed with me alongside a love for wine, nights out, good food, running and of course motherhood. And then came along 2012 and I have sudden/urgent desire to learn how to take gorgeous photos, I have joined a sewing group in the village so I can make my own cushions, curtains etc and whilst I have always loved cooking I have taken it to the next level this year whilst also turning my hand to baking. What is going on?? I am busier than ever with a full time job and two little ones, so I'm not sure why I feel the need to take up all of these creative activities all of a sudden!

Anyway, here is my first product of sewing class - two new cushion covers for our new family room. Pleased as punch with how they turned out. Not a very exciting blip, but felt I had to capture the moment.

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