Swan Saturday ......


Back at the University again today with the usual two hours to kill.

Boy oh boy have the swans given me a difficult choice for today's blip.

It started when I got to the lake. First, there was a fisherman in a little boat with the swans swimming around him. Then, a little girl was feeding one of them and it started to follow her. Next, one was chasing the other. Not sure if it was aggression or passion but there was lots of splashing.

This one climbed out, spread it's wings a few times then proceeded to preen itself. After a little time another swan climbed out of the water. It didn't seem to like the attention that I was giving this one so decided to chase me away. Fortunately no-one was around as I ran squealing.

I took around 500 photos. All very different. I had some good ones of the swan following the little girl, some great action shots of the chase and some very beautiful close-ups of the preening. In the end I choose this one. Not sure if I made the right choice but this one made me laugh. It looks like we are having a stand off.

Looks more menacing large.

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