Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

Little Farmer

Great excitement today! The farmer and the little farmer have headed off to pick up a quad bike. It is an eBay purchase which always adds an element of excitement and fear to proceedings. I do admit to google-earth-ing any address for eBay purchases we will have to collect as you never know what may be awaiting you or where you are going.
For The Little farmer it may as well be Christmas. He gets to go off on a jolly with his Dad. Lads only. Pack-up made my mummy. Getting to see the new quad before any of us. There are trailers and ratchet straps involved, causing even greater excitement.

The quad in question isn't a kids quad, it's for the farmer and shepherds to use during lambing. I do believe that it is only right that I test it out first though, it's good of me and selfless, I know. But that's the kind of gal I am! Lol!

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