cherish what remains

By clothgirl

castle of the knights templar

We met a Danish couple in a bar last night while sampling the local drink, Ginja, a cherry liquor, which can veer dangerously close to cough syrup in taste, but, well, I liked it anyway.

So, the Danish couple had driven all the way from Denmark to Portugal to visit family in Tomar. (I know, that's an incredibly long way to go). At some point the gentleman told the Mister about this incredible castle he'd seen where the last knights of the Templar lived before they disbanded, or died or whatever and really, you should go see it.

So today we drove a bit out of our way to get to Tomar.

It was worth it.

Built in the 12th century for the Knights Templar, and later, at many stages, expanded, this castle, now known as the Convent of Christ is an architectural marvel.

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