On a hill...
... there stood a coo.
(It's not there noo, it must a shifted.)
Very frustrating day trying to photograph any of the millions of birds in my Mam and Dad's garden. I discovered the following:
1. Small birds don't take kindly to having a 200mm zoom shoved close enough to them to have their pic taken.
2. The remote control for my camera only works if fired directly at the front of the camera (fine for SPs, not so good for wildlife).
3. When you turn the camera onto remote mode, it only seems to hold for a few minutes before reverting to normal mode - not long enough for greenfinches to overcome their fear and venture back to the feeding table.
4. No matter which feeding area or twig you set the tripod facing, all the birds will head to all the other feeding areas or twigs. Every time. Without exception.
So, here's the lesser spotted cow instead. I don't know why it's doing this bizarre agricultural show pose, or indeed why it seems to only have one front leg (it didn't, actually) but that's cows for you.
Also, cows seem to be underrepresented on blip, so here's a blow for cows in the cow vs sheep battle (mojopin, over to you).
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