
got home and decided to try some more spring flower blips, as it was still day light. It helped me to unwind after a yucky stressful afternoon.

It was one of those afternoons when I felt like there was a target on my head and the words "kick me when I'm down I don't mind, honest!" written on my back. I really object to work mates taking out there stress on me and not helping me when I need it and ask for it. I'm always there to help them the sods! The worst part of all is the moaning they do about me behind my back, just yuck. I wont stop helping them though, it just shows what kind of people they are and I will not join in on that. On a brighter note the morning was fine and rather quite which made me nervous the office is never quiet, only 5 clients.

Hope you have a good weekend :0)

Shona :0)x

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