Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara

Friendship is the shadow of the evening

Spot Mr B! Admittedly not the hardest of challenges!

I want to introduce you to perhaps the best gift ever? The original one is a journal that you give to your mother for her to fill out and give back to you. The range has now been extended to include your father/brother/sister etc but anyway it's full of questions for them to answer such as

Tell me about the time and place you were born . . .

What were your favourite childhood toys or games?

What would you do for a night out when you were dating?

Tell me about a special piece of music that you and Dad had 'just for you' . . .

Before I was born, what other names had you thought of calling me?

What was the first word or words you remember me saying?

All questions I don't know about my mum but I want to! The perfect Mother's Day pressy? 18th March

Have a lovely weekend

And that's today's one through the looking glass.

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