
By Serap

February Challenge - Laughter

Well, they say that laughter is the best medicine, and I'm inclined to agree (ever wonder who "they" are though?!). When laughter fails, I turn to my medicine cabinet - well the medicine shelf of my bathroom cabinet to be precise. I am very meticulous about checking everything is in date, unlike my Father's house where you can find bottles of cough mixture older than I am.

As a child I couldn't say "medicine" and used to say "med-in-cine" instead. Every now and then my Sister stills asks me to say it, as she forgets that have been able to say it properly since I was about 8 years old. Just is case she ever reads this: Sis, it's fine, I can say medicine with no problems at all, although in my head it will always be med-in-cine. x

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