Pixel H

By PixelH


These are the types of days I love. I must admit to waking up with a slight hangover having had Dozza and Anna and her new baby daughter Ruddy round to a sleep over the night before. Dozza and I realised that seeing as Anna wasn't drinking and Ruddy wasn't pulling her weight in that department either that we would have to make up for it. Anyway, back to the days that I love.....

We go to the Meadows, meet up with M'Jools and her sisters, meet up with Katie and the rest of Anna's troupe, Mr TSN comes to join us and we survey the crowds gathering to watch the strange Edinburgh Festival shows unfolding in little areas around the Meadows. I'm not a festival goer to tell you the truth. I think the comedy is great but these days its way too expensive to go to loads of different shows and its really difficult to chose just one, there's so much on. So when the heavens open and everyone heads for the trees, it a huge relief when i hear cries for "head to the pub"!

We all head off and meet TC there and Katies other half and some of his band come to join us too. Being surrounded by all your friends and people you love is an amazing feeling. I guess i appreciate it more these days. And cause I was driving I wasn't even drinking...! And I still had fun.....how about that....?

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