This day

By snapper

Tin shed!

A beautiful day and Im stuck indoors writing rubbish, filing in stupid evaluation forms that no bugger ever reads! See if it rains tomorrow!
Was going to have a nice quiet weekend now I find myself having to do a run to Aberdeen on Sunday.

It all began with no1 son giving his sisters tickets to go to see Olly Murs in Aiberdeen. No2 daughter told her work in plenty of time and they said they would give her the time off. Now they tell her she has to work the Sunday till 1 o'clock knowing full well she had booked the day off weeks back! AND they want her back at work at 7am on Monday. Now though I am her mother I know she is a hard worker, always polite to customers and uses her initiative to help others finish their work so why treat her like this?

So now her big sister will have to come up here on Sat night and no2 daughter will literrally have to dive out her work at one into my car and I will have to horse it on up to Aberdeen as I don't think I could let either of them do this drive themselves knowing the pressure they would be under and them being less experienced drivers! Bunch of ******ds they are at her work! Others get away with all sorts there! Seriously peed off! Still I suppose I can grab a few blips once I get them there. They need to be there for 6.30 Sunday so wish me luck.

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