Alone with the seals again.....
We took the family over to catch their ferry home in the late afternoon. As they were driving away, Tatum yelled out the window - "now it will be MORE paradise-y for you!" We love it that they like to be here, but we are exhausted with the activity and the noise! We are now sitting on the couch like zombies watching the news on TV for the first time since they got here sunday. Think I will just not move. And in the morning I am NOT going to chase any wee squealing 2 yo girl around the cabin with the moose oven mitt...nor am I making swedish pancakes which were devoured like no one had eaten for days.....nor am I cooking much of anything..... or reading "Five Little Speckled Frogs"or "If You Give A Pig A Pancake" ...... or .......turning on the cartoons in the morning or watching Harry Potter in the evening... or having to wind up my knitting yarn again...!
We will recover in a day or so... ... and then we'll miss them!
The highlight of the day: taking a fine video of Tatum and her Dad performing the song she wrote ("Sometimes") and the music he wrote for his ukelele, with the Salish Sea in the background... U tube worthy, for sure!
Oh yes, the photo! On the way back to our dock we only saw these 2 harbor seals in our bay who slipped into the water before we could get closer. So not as sharp as I would like, but it's the best of the day from our little bit of paradise. There is snow predicted for tomorrow!
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