
By strawhouse

Spring is here!

What a gorgeous day!! It's amazing what a bit of sunshine and warmth can do to lift your sprits.
Today was my third day without a car and I'm not used to spending so much time at home.
We had biscuits baked and pictures painted by 9.30am and I was running out of ideas!!
Luckily Miss E had plenty of ideas and when Miss L went down for her nap we played hairdressers with me as her model, followed by playing doctors with me as her patient. It's fascinating seeing the scenarios she comes up with and the different uses she comes up with for her toys and random odds and ends and plastic rubbish And I got to sit down for ages having my hair played with which I love, and then lying down while she ministrated over my arm and knee for about an hour. There are worse ways to pass the time.....
This afternoon we went to the park for the first time in ages - so so nice to get out in the sunshine and let them run around. Miss E did have a major meltdown over I'm not quite sure what but that's about par for the course at the moment so I just ignored it and plonked her in front of Toy Story 3 when we got back.
Thank God Mr K's car was fixed today. Two blokes came and fixed it on our driveway which was handy if a little bit embarrassing when I answered the door in my pyjamas at 2pm!!!

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