Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176


Busy week.

Tuesday mum took Elizabeth to her playgroup while Rebecca and I went to the breastfeeding cafe. It was a lot more relaxing for me without having to run around after Elizabeth. And Rebecca managed to sleep through it, so I didn't have to do anything, except drink tea and chat!

I told them all about Rebecca rolling over. They weren't suitably impressed enough. Mind you, she hasn't done it again since. 3 times in one day and nothing since.

Wednesday Elizabeth was at the childminders. Mum, Rebecca and I had a walk and lunch in town.

Today I sorted through the next bag of clothes (6-9 months) and put the newborn and 0-3 ones away. Time is flying even quicker this time round.

Today's blip, is Elizabeth finding some "treasure". It was a little piece of paper rolled up with the names of people who had found it before.

Jeff and I have decided to take up geocaching, now that the weather is getting a bit warmer. We're all going to go hunting for some geocaches near Jeff's parent's house on Sunday.

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