Maybe I'll Make Cinnamon Rolls

And get me some yarn and a crochet hook

And does your dad have a drill for the rocks? Maybe he can do the polishing and you kids could drill the holes and make the beads. Put a little silver one between each stone.

And be sure and bring my wheelie and my pocket book.

Don't forget, I'll need some clothes when I go home.

They're real good to me here.

Honey, are you tired?

~As much effort as he puts forth to look interested when he hears it all again, he can't conceal the glazed look in his eyes. As his mother, she knows that look. He must not have enough to keep him busy. He needs to have something to do.~

I hear there is going to be another depression. We better get some beans and get 'em planted. Pick some up for each of us.

And pick me up some thread and some crochet hooks, I need to get these hands working again.

~There's nothing worse than an idle boy, she's thinking, he'll get himself in trouble~

Have you seen Pepsi today?

Be sure and tell Pepsi mama loves her.

I'll need my wheelie tomorrow.

**She looked so relaxed sitting in her chair next to the bed, leaning on her hand and fulfilling her duty as a mom. She mustn't forget a thing.**

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