Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

Enter - the school years...

So, here we are, Andy and I, sitting in a gym/assembly hall, listening to our daughters future headmistress present an extremely detailed run down, of what to expect from the first year of school, Primary 1.

A feeling of slight surrealism prevails, how did we get here? What night of experimental madness brought us down this crazy path? Whatever it was and however this transpired, it appears that we have reached a new frontier, not the final one I am sure, but nevertheless a brand new terrain that brings with it an enormous wave overwhelming responsibility.

To be fair, I had never really thought about minutiae of Eve going to school. I know she is ready for it, so have felt excited for her, but mostly (for shame) delighted that I may have some money left in my account after pay day.

I had not considered how Eve's life was going to expand exponentially from the little planet of ken she lives in now. I had not given thought to how relationships with her peers were going to become more complicated, how HUGE the gym hall was going to look to her, where the Primary 1 children line up before they go in to class, whether she would integrate with bigger pupils in the playground and how many uniforms I would need to buy, in order to keep the snail trails of snot that appear daily on her sleeve clean...

I guess that's what these meetings are for, to prepare the head nodding, unquestioning parents and appease the exacting, fearful ones. My overriding feelings after it all however, are ones of excitement and hope and the thirst to find out all about this school malarky, so my knowledge can be a source of power for wee Eve and her great undertaking!

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