Bigger tit
There's a new thug in town. No, not this one, a blackcap has been terrorising the bird table. To help the tits out a bit, I put some fatballs in the elder tree by the kitchen window. Obviously not just selfishly thinking of being able to get better photos...
Not much else happened today, to be honest. It was warm and sunny, but is bitterly cold tonight. There was cleaning windows, chipping plaster off the wall and a certain amount of sitting in the garden watching the world go by. And too much listening to the news. Katherine asked tonight, while having dinner during the Radio 4 six o clock news "does nothing good ever happen?" So I turned it off and we all shared a good thing that had happened to us that day.
Then they turned on me and pointed out that everyone in France has a Wii (I know so little about it I even had to just double check the spelling there). I gave many examples of people in France, but it turns out that it's pretty much just us and one of our neighbours. Literally everyone else we know in France has a Wii. So I've told them to save up for one. I mean, they can't be that dear?
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