A Blip on the Reidar

By reidar

Happy Birthday to me!

I've been a bit lost with my Blipping of late, first up I've been busy (which is great) and second I've had a cold for the last week so spirits have been drained. I have taken photos everyday and I'm contemplating if I should post some of them as they really are just last thing at night grab a shot of anything pics. For completion sake and fulfilling a full 366 of the year I should do it but they're not even worth looking at really.

Today I woke up feeling a lot better, no more sneezing but a killer sore throat. Still its my birthday and work aside it meant that my request for a 'caterpillar' birthday cake would be in full swing. Mrs Reidar went so far into full swing that she ended up making two.

You can't really spot it from this picture but the brown caterpillar had a really evil grin on his face so I ate it. Thankfully I had two Reidar Jnr's on hand to help blow out the candles and not spread my cold germs everywhere.

So another year older but none the wiser...

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