This, That And the Other

By Kersting


Ok so let me fill all of you blipers in... Sense the last time I was on months ago I have been part-time living with my very wonderful and supportive boy-friend in Bloomfield Hills, MI.

Yesterday I recieved a phone call from Detroit Business Consulting saying that after they reviwed all of my stuff and after three rounds of interveiws that I have got a carrer with the company and that I start on Thursday. So that means that I will no longer be living at the appartment part-time.

I'm very excited to have found a carrer so that I can help pay the bills.

Today we had our couch delivered by Art Van. I'm so excited to have a couch. I never thought that I would miss a couch as much as I have but after just over 2 months of not having one it is a very welcome change to the appartment.

Later today I'm will be going with a wonderful friend to go shopping for work clothing. Only because I don't have hardly any Business Professional clothing and I will be needing it for work.

Weather: Um... I'm not really sure what the temp is today... I haven't been outside yet.

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