
By 42

You did what...?

Mrs Lego: "You did what?"

Mr Lego: "I threw the window."

Mrs Lego: "I can see that, but why on earth would you do it?"

Mr Lego: "It was an assignment."

Mrs Lego: "What, like a secret mission?"

Mr Lego: "No, a photo assignment."

Mrs Lego: "What daft ass sort of assignment means throwing a perfectly good window into the back garden?"

Mr Lego: "We have to take photos that interpret 'Threw the window' "

Mrs Lego: "Here, let me see that ... You silly sod, its 'Through the Window' "

Mr Lego: "Oh. Bugger."

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LOTD: Cyclops' Through the Windscreen blip is a fun take on the assignment too.

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