Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Film Tuesday

It says a lot about me and The Dog that we give our nights of the week themes. Yes, we are that juvenile. Mondays = Mindless Mondays. Tuesdays = Film Tuesdays, Wednesdays = No Telly Wednesdays, Thursdays = Wine Thursday (a personal favourite) and then the weekends clearly are the theme Fri-Sun. I know what you're thinking - what arses, and you'd be right. This won't last - it's a futile attempt to convince ourselves we have control and order in our lives. It will be out the window soon enough and we'll be back to watching Come Dine With Me in between arguments.

Although, strangely, Wine Thursday has remained a constant....

Today, being Tuesday, is film night. My turn to pick this week and I decided to visit an old favourite - one that makes life seem like a beautiful and magical and generally wonderful place.

After a 2 day politics seminar (which I nodded off in on the first day - like a wee old lady, for heaven's sake!) this is exactly what I need.

You at the back! Sshhh!

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