Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A New Dawn..

Come what may.... what is this? could it be that my lungs don't feel so clogged up today?

Come what may...indeed, you have to go with what you have, happy realism.

Perhaps I should explain.... happy realism..half glass full/half glass empty, I do not subscribe to the two choice format, let me propose another. It is just half a glass, why bother putting some dumb emotional state onto a glass with some water in it? I say it is just half a glass.......yet, I am thankful for a glass with some water in it!

You see, if you accept the truth of something, know it for what it is, but then you choose how to feel about it, YOU are in control of it! Simple!!

Many things will not be how you want them, in fact in the 'spoilt society' I see people throwing tantrums every day about things that are 'not fair'.......not going their way etc etc. If you accept things for what they are........well, it is up to you what you feel and do about them, whether you have lots of choices or non at all, you choose how to respond (of course we are not machines and getting angry, sad and the full gamut of emotions is fully justified) to life.

My lungs today are still not good, but.....they are SO much better than yesterday...YIPPEEEEEEEEEE! I choose to feel Brilliant about that!

A New Dawn ..........

PS Thanks for all the GWS over the last few days, very lovely, very helpful and good for the soul!

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