With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It's Plane to see

that this is not quite the cheerful image I would like to have posted to celebrate Mrs Pepperpot's birthday, but at least I know she'll be interested.

This is what I was banging on about yesterday. It's so shocking to be able to see the mountains behind the buildings in the square. And I still can't see the disease in the huge lumps of wood they're carting away. The workmen are all having a laugh, and meanwhile we stand by and wipe the tears away.

The promise of a bit of sun as I drove to Palma this morning had faded by the time I got back and an icy wind swung back to the North to chill our bones. No footy for Ben again tonight as he's still on antibiotics for his tonsils. That makes the pancake making a bit easier though.

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