Dance with me, Across the Sea
I have lived in this town all my life, apart from brief departures, in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverkeithing and another little place, the name of which escapes me.
When I was little, this was my doctors surgery. When I was little, there was a front door, and a desk. You opened another door, and you were in a 10 ft, by 8ft waiting room, with red plastic chairs round the room. I remember when I was only about 5 or 6, sitting with my Aunt, (I have no idea why), and as people were called to the surgery, a man with special needs leaned over me on the way in, and licked me from chin to forehead. I have to say, that kind of coloured my feelings for a long, long while!
There were old school doctors. Dr McP, and Mr Mack, older gentlemen, who stuck sticks down your throat, and made you cough. Gradually over the years, the original doctors I remember, retired, and moved on, and new doctors came in and filled the space.
Now, the surgery has expanded upwards and across, they have bought up shops to the left and the right, and moved office space up above. There are individual surgeries for all the doctors, I think there are 7 perhaps.... and those doctors who came in and replaced the old school, are gradually becoming the Seniors.
I was in this morning, and it was a visit which left me giggling. I've known this doctor for a good long while now - at least 30 years; he's seen me through breakdowns, endo, pregnancy, hysterectomy, and migraines, where he has had to sedate me, bum in the air, on my bed. He has never been less than caring, thoughtful and considerate, and I hate bothering him, but he always listens and always has something useful to say, and never makes me feel like I'm being daft.
Toolibell was fascinated that he was able to ask her about her brother, be knowledgable about their sporting achievements, and asked her in detail about her university hopes, and laugh with me at my paranoia!
He is such a nice, nice man and sometimes its a privilege to have someone like that know all your weaknesses and not have him look at you as if you are mad.
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