Stone Built

This little ruin is still standing, definitely built to last. All the remaining walls are the thickness of the gable end, built in traditional Orkney fashion, thick walls with tiny windows to keep out the cold winds. This has had its door blocked up and another shed built onto thee side of it.

Next door to it is another shed and the two of them have been for sale for the past 18 months or so, but there has been very little interest. As I walk up past them nearly every day, I occasionally see the odd stone fallen down, the grass grown in through another hole, another chink of daylight in the walls and lichens and mosses covering more of the stones.

Apparently this was never actually a dwelling house, but rather a storage shed At present there are starlings and sparrows scouting around for nesting sites in it. I'm secretly hoping it will never be knocked down, but left to gently fall down and the grass to grow over it.

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