
A day of ups and downs. We wern't sure what to do to days do chubby hubby said he wanted to go and see St Mungos church which he hadnt been in for over 60 years! So off we trachled to Townhead near the Royal Infirmary and found it. Needless to say due to possible vandals and theives etc it was locked, however we knocked on the church house door and the housekeeper let us in. I had never been in it before and was impressed at how nice and plain it was so I took a few pics including the one above.
As we were near the hospital we decided to look in on our Ardrishaig neighbour who is a patient there. Parked the car, went in and up to the reception where this big boiler house of a wiffie who refused to give us eye contact for at least 5 minutes, finally she diegned to look down upon us and I asked her where ward 64 was? "you need to go outside and walk towards the main building" To me that meant walk towards the old building. This hospital is huge and it was pissing rain and I bet if I were a saggering shell suited ned with my bottle of Buckie she would have attended to us quicker than she did.
Anyhow it was once more out into the bloody rain and plodded off to the main hospital where we saw yet another receptionist (why do they call them that,? they dont recept! Anyhow asked where ard 64 was and yes you guessed it "up the road hen past the car park to the Queen Elizabeth building, cannay miss it hen" Back out into the pissing sodding rain and sloshed up the road (why do they build these massive soulelss hospitals?) Finally after walking miles of corridors we found it. Sad to say our poor neighbour wasnt looking so good!
Nothing for it but to trudge all the way back to the car park and go home.
An odd day by all standards.
Happy blipping all!

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