This little piggie went to...
...the Happy Pigs Farm.
This is our local organic, free range, rare breed pig farm (everyone should have one) where we go to buy all manner of pork products, and it was christened "the happy pigs farm" by our daughter. The kids love watching the piglets playing (though it's hard just now with the very long flowers in the way) and they always remember to say to the pigs "bye, thanks for the sausages" when we leave.
We're very lucky around here with all manner of great local suppliers like this farm. There's something very reassuring about seeing exactly where your food comes from.
I used to be veggie but have been tempted back to the dark side. There's a theory that says that if you couldn't personally kill an animal you shouldn't eat it. Whilst I think that's a laudable sentiment, I just think I wouldn't be skillful enough to kill anything - and it seems kinder to the animal to let someone do it who is going to do it well. It still always gives me pause when I go to farms like this though. If only pork crackling wasn't so yummy!
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