
By astudyinscarlet

festivals #10

spotted in the shadow of wellington at the end of princes street - yep, definitely festival season.

two annoying things: they come all the way from south america and decide to play 'highland cathedral'? which is painful on the bagpipes, but was a bit rubbish on one small recorder played by the second bloke (who only had a little headdress, hence this chap being the blip) and some wailing from this guy.

and also, how rude is it to stand and listen to them for ages, take pictures and videos and then not give them any money? they don't actually do this for the good of their health, you mingy gits, they do it to make money! yet another reason i don't like most tourists - yes, i am one when i go elsewhere, but i know i am and try not be annoying. while we're on the subject of tourists, let me just wingpig for a minute and say: you might not know the local rules of the bus, as they are not written down but simply spread by osmosis among locals, but you should realise that such rules may well exist and thus not be entirely gobsmacked and outraged when someone asks you to move up to make room for other people, or cracks their heavy shopping bag into your ankles when you fail to shift despite having been asked 'excuse me' in a very loud voice twice.

bah. this snapping the fests thing is not making me love it! and ohgods, when it's over it'll nearly be time for the pre-xmas insanity when the streets overfill again - but this time they're all wielding huge carrier bags of shopping...

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