My changing life

By Shelley2011


Finally a pic in which the melodic ones teeth are showing!
Today an early start when the tenant rang to say the toilet was blocked :( got someone out and met them there and then came home for a nap with melody (she still doesn't nap on her own in the day :(
Then we walked to latch on gp to burn some cals and only had fruit for lunch
Then to a photoshoot to get another free pic from the bounty pack :) Melody was really good and did great smiles but the lights kept breaking
Melody ate loads tonight Inc the forbidden yoghurt! Then a massive milk feed and then threw it all up (overeating not ill) there was loads!!! All over her gro bag and all over all my clothes! Mike said he's never seen so much! She's settled down on me know tho - after showers and washing on!

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