A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Let's Get Moving

Aim in life number 5: Run a Marathon

After another strenuous day of uni work and exceedingly dull Law lectures (in which the picture was drawn) I hit the gym with my flatmate Becky in order to start our training for our marathons!

It's safe to say that I have a long, long way to go before I will be able to run even a half marathon, but I will get there....and I hope you will all follow my journey to get there. I spent a fair while on the bikes, cycling a total of 8km which is a lot when you've not done any exercise for a while, and man are my legs and butt starting to hurt now.

Sadly, I have more law work to do, so I shall leave you be. But it's PANCAKE DAY TOMORROW!

Bye for now Blippers,

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