Ina's Snippets

By ina

Lines & Shadows

"Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it."

~ unknown ~


Wanted to do the window assignment today, but neither of the 3 shots I took I find suitable - so we will try again tomorrow :) This is the window in my room - liked the lines and shadows on the cupboard - almost a mirror image.

Class was interesting - between sleep patterns, Rapid eye movement (REM) and dream journals I've also learned that dolphins, being conscious breathers, cannot fall asleep entirely or riks drowning, therefore half the brain sleeps at a time - the dolphin closes 1 eye at a time to let half the brain sleep (but you knew that already, right?) well, I did not :)

Wish I could do that sometimes :)


"To dream anything that you want to dream.
That's the beauty of the human mind.

To do anything that you want to do.
That is the strength of the human will.

To trust yourself to test your limits.
That is the courage to succeed."

~ Bernard Edmonds quotes ~

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