Never grow up

By kamikaze

Someone's in the kitchen

Wow. Stressful day today. First, I was out at a friend's house 'til about 2 this morning, and I try to head home to get some sleep, and my car doesn't start. I ended up crashing on her couch and spending more time in a car parts store today than I ever have. And my car ended up getting towed to the repair place and we don't know what's up. As long as it runs by next Wednesday, when I need to drive myself to school, I don't care.

As such, I am now lounging in sweats and watching the Olympics and generally being lazy.

I realized I had taken a similar picture to today's when I first got my camera and the kitchen was not finished. Seemed like a nice way to document some progress.

backblipped the past couple days (I have spotty internet access at home).

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