It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann


Well I'm going to bite the bullet and say that I think poorly boy has properly learned to walk now. He has been mobile since 11 months of age and he's now 2 years and 3 months. He first got to his feet in about April last year so it's been a long hard slog for us all to get to this point.

I've probably been more reluctant to say he's walking than I was for no1 son. There are a few reasons for this - the length of time from getting on his feet to taking 1 step, then from 1 step to 2 steps and so on... being the main reason. But today on our walk round one of the local parks he walked and walked,with a few stumbles along the way, and protested at being carried (which he's never done before).

Well done my poorly boy! We're very proud of you xx

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