Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Long-tailed Ducks

Having spent the day yesterday not doing a lot I was looking forward to getting out and about today, however when Mrs L got up and said she wasn't feeling quite right I was left with a predicament. In the end I did the dutiful hubby bit, made her a cup of tea and left.

An explore of the roads around Rossie Bog only produced Pink-feet so then headed for the coastal car park at Buckhaven - easy birdwatching here. Park, set up the tripod beside the car, watch. Close in were a couple of large flocks of Eider, while a bit further out were about 20 Velvet Scoter, but the highlight for me were the Long-tailed Ducks. There were maybe eight of them around, far too distant for any decent photos, but it's always special to see them, so I make no apologies for today's rather ropey photo of three of them in flight, two males with a female in the middle.

Back home, Mrs L seemed a bit better, but still not right but has just now gone off to bed saying her eyes have started to go funny - normally the start of a migraine. Fingers crossed that a nights rest can keep it away.

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