Red Flash

By RedFlash

The Meaning of being a Mother

In July 2011 my telephone contract entitled me to choose a new handset. Prior to then I had just used my phone for texts and emails. Nothing else. My son had an iPhone 3GS and due to a problem with it the nice people in Apple had given him a new handset.

My son is very persuasive and he encouraged me to get an iPhone 4 as my new handset and swap it with him. At the time I knew nothing about iPhones other than everyone I knew had one and they seemed to play silly games on them.

I briefly had the iPhone 4 for two weeks while we sorted out sim cards - they are different, so when we swapped I knew that I had made a mistake.

Since then I've become a blipper and I occasionally use my phone as a camera as I don't always lug the Fuji and the Sony with me. The camera on the iPhone 4 was MUCH better.

But what I couldn't live without now is the Blipfoto app. I have subscribed to so many of you that I dip in and out of blip world during the day and comment on as many as I can.

Last week there was a problem with the iPhone 4 and my son took it into the Apple shop and they replaced it - great service.

For some reason there was a problem with it again so back we went today.

The Apple shop was busy as usual with people using FaceBook on Macs that they can't afford and lots of people being trained on how to use the ones that they have bought and had no idea how to use them. I don't have one and would love one.

We were served immediately - this is not normally the case on a Saturday and once again the phone has been changed. This is all to my good as he hopes at some stage to be able to afford to buy an iPhone 4S and then I can have it back. The only problem is that he needs a job first.

PS I'm going black phone box hunting in the morning as I know where there are two

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