19/29 low key

Tried high key in the sunshine this afternoon, wasn't happy with it so reverted to the happy home studio (aka black blanket over the back of the sofa) and plonked the boys down. Ben was like a jack-in-the-box, every time I pressed the shutter release he boinged up and wanted to see the picture and I can't remember how I got him to stay put for two shots in a row but yet again I forgot the chocolate buttons... Charley had his first proper tummy time once Ben had had enough and seemed to like it. I imagine photoshoots will be the only reason he gets tummy time to be honest as he spends so much time in the wrap.

Journal to follow when I have enough brain to write it...

notes to fill in later... perhaps...

Sparklers / creche
prayer: hitting the nail on the head (diabetes isn't the problem so much as all the coping mechanisms I've had to create and manage which are sapping my energy)
lunch (pork pies - don't tell the diabetes nurses, toast and lemon curd oh how I love lemon curd)
Wii games - Ben is getting good at them :-/
bath for Steve and Ben
photoshoot for the boys
Ben playing bowling on the Wii
cooking - pasta and cheese sauce mmm and Ben is getting his appetite back thank goodness
icecream mm mmmmm
and Ben to bed without a fuss and I didn't even have to leave the sofa for it :)

Maybe I don't need to fill it in any more than that.

Happy Sunday :)

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