Textures #5

This is an oyster shell.

A sunny but cold day today and workwise much better than yesterday. I had a quiet night in last night and a good sleep. It really helped!

Not much to report, so here comes a random thought..

I'm quite an emotional person and I wonder if this is a good or a bad thing. A read in a book once that in order to make good decisions it is good to use your emotions as well, but I suppose it all has to do with finding the right balance between your emotions and your reasoning depending on the type of decision. As it is, I keep changing my mind every two seconds and I'm finding it hard to make up my mind about things, even the most simple ones. I need to find that balance!

Even with my photography, it's all instinct, feeling, emotion. I've never had any proper photography training, I'm learning as I go along. I only take a picture if I like something and I try to make it look as good as I can, depending on what I think as beautiful, but beauty is a very relative term. Many times I've binned pictures just because I couldn't see any particular beauty in them, but you may have liked them!

Anyway, changing the subject.. I'll be off for two days from tomorrow! Here comes my real weekend!!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! :)

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