Here I am

Up early, left a sleepy house to get some supplies.

After shopping I headed to the allotment, only one other there so we had a chat and helped each other with some tasks. The seed tatties arrived so I picked up my spuds for this year.

I spent the morning establishing the orchard on a bit of common land, I created a raised plot 30ft by 10ft and planted out the trees. Covered the plot with cardboard to suppress the weeds just now and will then cover with leaf mould.

Back home and lunch with the family.

Headed to the stables as eco son wanted my help to clear out some chicken pens. First we bagged some well rotted manure and sold 4 bags to a lovely young French lady, she put the 4 bags in her bike trailer, it would be tough going up the hill. She returned with the bags and laughed about her nightmare cycle.

Cleaned out the chicken runs and bagged the poo for allotment use later.

Tea made, soup made for tomorrow, hot bath and off to bed.

This is the coiled training rein for the currently injured horse.

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