All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Grangemouth at Night

I didn't have the best sleep last night. I kept being woken up by Zoe miaowing over and over very loudly. She is quite a "yowly" cat at the best of times, but not normally this bad. However I ignored her and eventually managed to get back to sleep each time.

Just before 7am she started up again and I heard Ethan shouting "no", very insistently. I went through to his room and found Zoe in there too. She had been shut in there all night! I can't believe Ethan managed to sleep through all that racket she had made!

I felt like death warmed up though and had woken choked with the cold. So after Ethan had his bottle in our bed, hubbie took him downstairs, while I curled up and dozed till nearly 11am!

We all just pottered around for a few hours and hubbie finally fixed some holes in the computer room wall which I've been waiting for him to fix for 5 years or so!

Around 2pm, I was debating whether to take Ethan down to Sainsbury's in the pushchair to get him to drop off when he announced he'd done a poo. One nappy change later, he announced he was sleepy. I askd him if he'd like to have a wee lie down on the sofa, not for a minute expecting him to say yes. But he did! He grabbed his blanket, climbed up on the sofa, I lay beside him for 5 minutes and he went to sleep. For an hour and a half! I couldn't believe it!

When he finally woke, we all headed over to Falkirk as we wanted to look at a bed and some furnishings there. By the time we'd finished shopping it was 5.30pm so rather than dash home and have a late dinner, we went to Behind the Wall. We haven't been there for a while but normally love it. However the menu has changed and we were really disappointed in it. Ah well.

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